Torrington, Connecticut

When friends or loved ones pass
The death of a member of the church should be reported as soon as possible to the church office so that arrangements for the funeral can be made. You may call the parish office at 860-482-6027. They will assist you with the process of planning your loved one's memorial service or funeral, provide suggestions for lessons and music, provide pastoral support, and address other concerns.
The Burial Office from the Book of Common Prayer is used, including Communion, if desired. We recommend that Parishioners make advance arrangements for their own funerals; choosing scriptures and hymns can both ease the decision making burden of those left behind, as well as provide a powerful last statement of faith. At the very least, it will be a great comfort to family members and other loved ones to know your wishes for your service.
If you wish to pre-plan your funeral arrangements, complete the attached form, and leave it with the main office. If you have any questions, please leave a message at the main office so our Priest-In-Charge may contact you.