Torrington, Connecticut

Confirmation at Trinity
Confirmation is the rite during which parishioners make a mature public affirmation of the promises made on their behalf when they were baptized as young children. Adult candidates for confirmation are prepared by participation in our Inquirer’s Class; teenagers are prepared through our youth program. While confirmation is a joyful occasion and we are delighted if you desire to be confirmed, please know that confirmation is not a requirement for participating at Trinity nor for receiving Holy Communion.

Reception is for those who have already been confirmed in another denomination (such as The Roman Catholic Church) and wish to affirm their choice to continue their spiritual journey as an Episcopalian.
Some who are already confirmed Episcopalians may wish to be "reaffirmed" by the bishop. Often this will occur after a period of study, reflection and prayer. It may take place as a result of having accompanied a teenage child, a spouse, or other loved one during their own preparation for confirmation.