Torrington, Connecticut

Joining Trinity
Anyone who is a baptized Christian, from any denomination, may be considered a member of Trinity simply by telling us that you would like to join our fellowship. You maintain your membership by joining us in regular prayer and service, and by receiving Holy Communion. Confirmation (or reception, if appropriate) provides a way to affirm our faith publicly and assists in guiding our fellowship in the Way of Christ.
Inquirer's class
Inquirers Classes are typically offered in the spring. If you've been thinking about joining Trinity, this class can be helpful to you. (Long-time Episcopalians take the course as well!) It's an opportunity for you to ask questions about the Episcopal way of being a Christian, meet others who are considering joining this church and be introduced to Trinity Church. Adults prepare for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation in the Inquirer's Class.

Letters of transfer
In the Episcopal Church, you officially become a member of a particular parish when you have your previous parish send a 'letter of transfer' to Trinity Church. It's important for you to know that you are welcome to join in everything Trinity offers. If you consider yourself a member, you're a member! If you do wish to provide a letter of transfer, however, please ask your current or former parish to send your letter to Trinity Church, 220 Prospect Street, Torrington, CT 06790. If you are coming from a tradition other than the Episcopal Church (or you are new to church altogether), let us know so we can welcome you.