Torrington, Connecticut
The Trinity parish community offers many ways to get involved, to serve God and to serve others. We welcome you to come and share your special gifts and interests, and be part of our loving community.
If you need additional information, contact Melanie in the office or ask any Vestry member.
Explore these opportunities below:
Ministry Opportunities

There are many opportunities for service and ministry at Trinity - from serving on the Prayer Shawl Ministry to becoming a Home Visitor.
For Children & Youth

Trinity church offers a range of programs for children, from grade Pre-K through high school.
Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is a ministry of-and-for all of us. Many people at Trinity benefit from the care and compassion of fellow parishioners.
Ministries Held at Trinity



Trinity maintains the long tradition of living out Christ’s mission in our community. Learn more about how Trinity provides outreach through its various programs.
There are a variety of groups and activities at our church, from the Garden Guild to the various Suppers held throughout the year. All are welcome!
There are many opportunities
for learning and connection at Trinity, from Bible Study to the Book Club and more!