Torrington, Connecticut

When and Where
9:00 am Sunday - Holy Eucharist, Rite II With Hymns/Music
Coffee Hour -
Immediately following the Service, we gather for light snacks, coffee, and conversation in our Upper Parish Hall.
Other Sunday Events Beginning at 10:30 am:
Choir Rehearsal -
Our Choristers gather to prepare music for upcoming events. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact our office - (860) 482-6027.
Church School -
Children gather for age-appropriate fellowship and learning.
Adult Forum -
Stay tuned for details.

Office hours and contact information
Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Parish Office: 860-482-6027
Pastoral Emergencies (after hours): 860-482-6027 enter *12 (for instructions)
Trinity is located at 220 Prospect Street in downtown Torrington, Connecticut at Water and Prospect Streets.
Please refer to this MAP for directions.