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Worship & Music
Worship & Music
Worship: What to Expect

All are welcome at Trinity Episcopal Church.


We are very casual at Trinity. You are invited to wear whatever you are comfortable in. Come in a dress or in shorts, we don't have a dress code!


Trinity's choir sings every Sunday from September through May, and is off during the summer months. The Parish sings pretty well too, and we would love for you to add your voice to our song!


We always celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.


All are welcome at communion. If you prefer not to receive communion, but would like a blessing, please come to the altar rail with your arms crossed over your chest, and we will be happy to bless you. If you need communion brought to your pew, please inform an usher.


Please join us for snacks and fellowship at coffee hour after the service, in the parish hall.

Worship: What to Expect

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